Nana Bakes For You Now Open

Home » Nana Bakes For You Now Open

For over 25 years, Nana served her delicious baked goods to restaurants, brides, and families, just like yours. Some days you need a good cookie. Since moving to Utah from California, Maureen O’Crean has opened her licensed cottage bakery under a new name, Nana Bakes For You at Distinctively Diva. Oh, yes, she’s a Nana now to 2 1/2 year old Artie.

Nana's Cookies -

Try Our Fab Five

  • Old Fashioned Chocolate Chip
  • Cookie Butter
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Sugar Cookie with Raspberry Butter Cream or Lemon Glaze
  • Oatmeal Raisin

Our Sampler includes two cookies of each flavor. Made with the finest ingredients, our cookies are 100% guaranteed and baked fresh to order.

Order by Tuesday for Saturday pickup

  • Gift Box – 10 cookie sampler is $25
  • One dozen (minimum order) $27 choose 2 – 6 cookies each
  • Special order High Protein Oatmeal Chocolate Chip – 1 dz – $30
Fresh baked Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Cookies Are Like Children

Each batch is made the same, weighed the same, and baked the same. Then they do their own thing, whether you like or not.

To place an order please call or text 801-810-9648. All orders must be prepaid.

Why Nana Bakes

Since 2013 Maureen has self-funded a 501c3 to help get children living on the streets into a home. She donates 10% of gross sales to A Bed of My Own, a non-profit founded to empower Homeless Moms to get transferable skills for employment. Maureen’s dream is to have a shop one day, where Moms who need second chances can find a safe place to re-enter the work force. We believe that every child deserves a bed of their own. Working Moms Make That Happen.

We believe that every child deserves A Bed of Their Own. Working Moms Make That Happen

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